Not the seasoning pepper. No I'm talking about hair. Out of all my "old men" (or older I should say) crushes they've all had one thing in common: Premature graying of the hair. aka: drop dead SEXINESS. No joke. I don't know what it is about younger guys with gray hair that I find so darn attractive. Ok, that's a lie yes I do. Here's a small list:
-It's distiquished
-It has an impressive quality about it--like this person is wealthy or something
-It's rebelling. Young in the face but old in the hair.
and it's overall just kinda....
fascinating to be honest.
My love for the salt & pepper look definitely started when I was fifteen and I had the most amazingly HANDSOME and charming Sunday school teacher. Seriously, I think every girl in the class drooled over Bro. W. Since then, there have been other old man church crushes and most of them have had PGOTH.
Anyway, I had the fortunate pleasure of cleaning the teeth of one such a man the other day which impulsed me to relinquish my feelings on the subject this morning. But after I cleaned the Greek God's teeth (which were likewise FABULOUS as well) and he walked away, I sighed a big sigh and with a far-off gaze muttered to Angie the Hygienist, "There's something about that man's gray hair that I found very attractive..."
She just laughed and said, "you're so cute" but gave in and agreed with me.
Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

Sorry, kinda bad quality. I tried.