So my sister just started school this week and I was observing earlier this morning how her wardrobe has suddenly exploded with brand new outfits she’ll have for the first month of school. Do you old single lady college students remember those days? Back to school shopping when your mom paid for everything? Man, that was the best. But as I tried not to peruse her new donnage with wild envy (being as I’m still in the paper sack I wore to highschool), I suddenly remembered the REASON it was important to wear new clothes the first week of school and I suddenly didn’t feel so bad.
So what it ultimately came down to was this:
if I had to choose between buying MY OWN clothes and puberty, preppies, cliques, the unremitting need to fit in, zits, raging hormones, and terribly low self-esteem, etc, etc, etc
Hand me my credit card.