The people who know me aren’t.
Anyway, GAY (as in happy) BLOG-BURFDAY TO ME-IST!! Hope I’m not the only one that’s excited
Ok, so as a prelude to the birthing process of this oh-so spectacular blog, one might ask “What finally motivated her to do it?” Create my blog, I mean. Well, besides my deep inner need to relinquish bitter diatribes on poor unsuspecting readers, I decided it was time to voice my thoughts and experiences of everyday occurrences. Most of these subjects are things that everyone experiences but few people take the time to write down. My best friends happen to be some of these few people and I wanted to join in on the fun. Besides that, it’s nice to PRETEND somebody actually gives a ...
I can’t promise my blog will be interesting. But I can promise it will be full of random-GOODNESS (and of course the occasional wickedness.) Feel free to leave comments, opinions, experiences, or complaints.
Just don’t disrupt my chi.